It appears Frank Ocean might have a secret album in the vault that's already done. On Monday, the Blonde singer posted a message on his Tumblr page, saying… “'Well! I made the album before 30! I just ain't put that bitch out!' - Quotes from an Interview I haven't given haha," and it's got fans thinking he's trying to tell us something.
A couple years ago, Frank allegedly sent out a tweet saying that he would have five (5) albums complete before turning 30 years old, and for those of you unaware Frank turned 30 back in October, which was celebrated with a drag ball extraordinaire (see here ICYMI). And if you're keeping count, Frank has released projects like Nostalgia, Ultra, Channel Orange, Blonde, and Endless. However, Nostalgia is considered a mixtape and Endless was a visual album, so he technically doesn’t have 5 traditional “albums” released yet, providing more proof for this secret album theory.
Prior to the message being posted onto his Tumblr, Frank also went ahead and made the visual album, Endless, available for purchase on vinyl ($35), CD/DVD ($25), and VHS ($17.99). There's also two double-sided posters you can cop for $30 each, which is perfect for your holiday shopping this Christmas.
Of course all this is pure speculation at this hour and the album isn’t confirmed at all, but it definitely seems like Frank is trying to drop some hints at us. However, if it is true I wouldn't expect it to come anytime soon either as Frank likes to make fans wait, but hopefully I'm wrong here.
This new theory comes just days after Frank graced the cover of Berlin-based Magazine 032C.
Check out Frank’s Tumblr post right here and let us know what you think. We’ll continue to keep you posted on the story/theory if any more information comes available. In the meantime, revisit Frank's latest song release "Provider" right here to hold you over.
Frank Ocean