Frank Ocean has always been an artist apt to move with the sound of his own drum, foregoing any notion of tradition in favor of paving his own unique lanes. While this has often resulted in stunning, adventurous music, his tendency to waver from the norm has also resulted in some unconventional release strategies. Case in point, Frank Ocean's audiovisual Endless project, which dropped last summer in August, airing exclusively through a "live stream" on Apple Music. While Endless ultimately served as an aperitif for blonde, many were taken in by the mysterious visual album's viral nature. People felt like they were witnessing something special, and Ocean's notorious Endless rollout seemed more focused on the moment it was creating than the content itself.
Now, Frank Ocean is giving Endless a new life, inviting fans to take another look at the elusive project. If you head over to Frank Ocean's website right here, it's clearly all about Endless. For one day only (Cyber Monday, Ocean edition) Frank Ocean has made Endless available on vinyl (complete with some sleek artwork), CD & DVD, and even VHS, for anyone who was born in the eighties or early nineties. Pitchfork has specified that the Endless deals are available for one night only, with the offer ending at midnight tonight. So, if you're looking to expand your collection, or maybe come through with a clever gift idea, head on over to Frank's domain.
This isn't the first time Ocean has come through with twenty-four-hour deals, having previously sold a Worldnet hoodie for one Black Friday. In recent Frank Ocean news, the blonde singer previously posed for the cover of Berlin-based fashion magazine 032c. Rocking a white tee and a pair of seizure-inducing blue shorts, Frank joined model Vittoria Ceretti as one of the magazine's four covers.
Frank Ocean