north korea
Random Kim Jong-un is ordering North Koreans to give up their pet dogs to be killed for food, deeming them a "decadent luxury."
Alex Zidel 8.5K Views
Sports Dennis Rodman shared some interesting stories while on Mike Tyson's Hotboxin' podcast.
Alexander Cole 78.1K Views
Life Azalea, a 19 year old North Korean chimpanzee, spends her days at the Central Zoo in Pyongyang chain smoking cigarettes.
hnhh 2.6K Views
TV “Squid Game” is officially Netflix’s most successful show ever.
Hayley Hynes 1.7K Views
Life “During the mourning period, we must not drink alcohol, laugh or engage in leisure activities,” a North Korean resident explained.
Hayley Hynes 5.3K Views
Society A host on the Fox News channel slipped up.
Milca P. 5.7K Views
Music Kanye West has a message for Dennis Rodman.
Mitch Findlay 1.9K Views
Society Donald Trump threatens Kim Jong Un by saying that he too has a nuclear button on his deck, but his is "much bigger."
Kevin Goddard 9.1K Views
Society Donald Trump reaches back into his glovebox of falsehoods.
Devin Ch 5.1K Views
Politics South Korea says that Kim Jong Un is alive while other news outlets have claimed that he's either dead or in a vegetative state.
Aron A. 3.7K Views
Society The POTUS admires the reverence North Koreans show their leader.
David Saric 1188 Views
Politics North Korea suspects they have encountered its first case of the coronavirus.
Cole Blake 4.5K Views