live action remake
MoviesZach Galifianakis has officially joined the cast of the live-action "Lilo & Stitch" remake. ByEmily Burr1351 Views
Pop CultureHis girlfriend is the new Ariel in the live-action "The Little Mermaid," and DDG says he "thought Martin Luther King canceled this sh*t out."ByErika Marie2.4K Views
Pop CultureThe highly anticipated live-action remake of the 1989 film is due out on May 26th, 2023.ByHayley Hynes1.6K Views
TVNetflix plans to go ahead with the series and is in the process of finding new leadership. ByNoah John4.5K Views
MoviesWriters from "Captain Marvel" and "Chaos Walking" will write the screenplay for Bambi's new journey into live-action.ByKeenan Higgins1.7K Views
MoviesBilly Porter is "Fairy Godmother" 2.0.ByAida C.1273 Views
MoviesWhat in the...Byhnhh1.8K Views
MusicWhat's your opinion?Byhnhh14.8K Views
EntertainmentDisney's working on another live-action remake. ByChantilly Post4.2K Views
MoviesThe live action wave continues.ByMilca P.5.8K Views
MoviesThe "Pynk" songstress continues to make strides in her acting career. Byhnhh1204 Views