Battle rap is quickly growing as a culture. What was almost completely relegated to street corners and Youtube a few years ago has garnered national recognition, more tv programming, Pay-Per-View events, and other attention of the mainstream media. Hip Hop icons like Eminem, Snoop Dogg, and Drake have put on events for the battle scene and at this rate things can only continue to expand. That being the case, we’re here to keep you updated on all things battle rap. It’s always a great time to join the culture.
Welcome to another edition of What’s New In Battle Rap. This week we’ve got a couple of big name battles for you from that “No Mask” event Mistah F.A.B. put on a while back. We’ve also got some battles from other leagues (with better audio) you might like. DNA’s been busy the past couple weeks, as he appears a few times in these updates. But he’s always keeping himself busy, so what else is new, right? Well, that’s what you’re here to find out.
FAB vs Clips

Charlie Clips vs Mistah F.A.B.
At his very own “No Mask” event, Mistah F.A.B. jumped on the stage against Charlie Clips. This matchup was enough to main event most cards on the names alone.
Rad B vs DNA

DNA travels to New Jersey to battle relatively new battler and U Dubb regular Rad B.
Carter Deems vs Bonnie Godiva

This seems to be the opposite of most Bonnie Godiva battles against men, in that Carter Deems was trying, as always, to be as nice as possible. There was a different kind of tension here, which made Carter look even more nervous than he usually does.
Craig Lamar vs JC

JC has been having quite an impressive year, and this battle on the Rare Breed Entertainment stage adds to it. Craig Lamar proved to be a formidable opponent, leading to a solid battle.
Daylyt vs John John Da Don

This was one of the many high profile battles on the card for Mistah F.A.B.’s “No Mask” event. It was originally supposed to go down on John John’s Bullpen Battle League, but that one was cancelled.
Reverse Live vs Real Deal

Real Deal’s been praised for this performance, as he’s always one of the most consistent in the game. The battle overall is a fun one for the No Coast crowd.
Pat Stay and DNA Will Battle On Udubb

Pat Stay is gonna be giving up his beloved Canada advantage in a battle with DNA at U Dubb’s “High Stakes 2” on January 22nd. Both of these battlers have a huge fan base, and it should be interesting to see them on stage together. The announcement comes before the DNA vs Rad B battle.
Battlers Read Mean Comments - The Saurus

King of the Dot’s newest entry in their mean comments series features The Saurus, one of battle rap’s biggest names, and also one of the most prone to arguing with internet users.
DNA Freestyles On Sway In The Morning

DNA is one of the most prominent freestylers in battle rap, and has been seen as one of the best since back in his Grind Time days. With that being said, it’s no surprise that he’d go back to Sway’s 5 Fingers of Death and perform.
Illmaculate Appears On Bar Fight Against Denzil Porter

In case you aren’t familiar with Team Backpack’s Bar Fight series, it’s not a battle, so much as two MCs spitting verses one after the other (but not at each other) to see who’s better. It’s more like a cypher with two people. That being said, Illmaculate’s battle rap status and both guys’ bars make this worth a spot on our list.