It seems damn near impossible that Kevin Spacey will ever have a career again after being accused of sexual assault. In the rise of the #MeToo movement, the House Of Cards actor was accused of several acts of sexual misconduct including one by a busboy who claimed Spacey indecently groped him at The Club Car in Nantucket. While he still faces criminal charges, the civil suit against him has been dismissed.

The Hollywood Reporter reports the man who accused Kevin Spacey of groping him at a restaurant dropped the civil suit against the actor. The accuser's lawyer did not provide a reason explaining the decision for the suit's dismissal. However, the charges are the same in the criminal case against Spacey who was charged with inflicting emotional distress, assault, and battery. The actor was in court earlier this year where he pleaded not guilty to two of the counts in the criminal case -- assault and battery. The accuser's mom, former Boston local T.V. host Heather Unruh, brought these allegations to light during a press conference in 2017.
Ever since the allegations of sexual assault against Spacey became public, the actor's tried to maintain his innocence. After Anthony Rapp, the first accuser, came forward saying that Spacey assaulted him at the age of 14, the actor attempted to shift the focus by coming out as gay.
Spacey's legal troubles continue as he's set to appear in court for the criminal case this fall. He's also under investigation for alleged sexual assaults in L.A. and the U.K.