Joined May 12, 2012
Recent comments
Y'all so stupid. Y'all act like he said Chris kid is ugly or hopes something bad on her. All he said was that Chris is irresponsible because he does drugs in front of her but y'all as a whole like to hate and dick ride other people
0 0ReplyJanuary 14, 2017
How busy he is more than likely he just hasn't had time. People are so quick to giving "L" that they forget to give themselves one because they stuck at minimum wage with no luxury car. People on this site ain't shit.
0 0ReplyJanuary 13, 2017
Why he in the dark with a hoodie on talking about this like he some sort of villain.
0 0ReplyNovember 15, 2016
He gonna buy Hip-hop next? Why do you feel like that album is worth 10m? I mean fr tho. He would be better off paying someone 10m to lose his virginity. Plus Kanye gonna keep making music so its not like we missing out on this album. I want kanye to sell it to him so he can lose a good amount of his money on nothing n stop with this dumb shit
0 0ReplyFebruary 12, 2016
Article: Plug Talk
He just do this for fun... He know he got fans so he's gonna put out music regardless for them... If you just click on soulja's stuff just to dislike or comment trash, n then he still droppin tapes. It just tells you your comment means nothing. So you hoes need to shut up.
0 0ReplySeptember 29, 2015
Award shows are lame now days. I use to catch everyone ... Now I wouldn't even waste my time.
0 0ReplySeptember 15, 2015
Deeper than rap is number one then trilla on my list... But shit yall act like hood billionaire was a bad album... It had more up beat songs n wasent a boring album. Just because the songs dont have much replay value dont mean it wasent a good album.
0 0ReplySeptember 09, 2015
Thats his dumbass fault.
0 0ReplySeptember 09, 2015
Article: Black Dollar
Hood billionaire should have been the mixtape n this the album.
0 0ReplySeptember 03, 2015
I don't understand that smokin shit.
0 0ReplyMarch 04, 2015