Joined Nov 17, 2016
Recent comments
I've been a Future fan from the Moment i first heard him... Honestly his best project was Astronaut Status, it's a classic & every song on it has a different sound.
0 0ReplyMarch 07, 2017
Future is a GOD!!! #YouWannaTakeAhTripToPluto
0 0ReplyMarch 06, 2017
Offset! Just hold this L fam. Nun else too say...
0 0ReplyFebruary 12, 2017
Birdman doesn't have the money too give too Wayne. Not 51 mill, baby a sucka for all this but i can't help but feel like dis Waynes' fault too. All those yrs yall been together & you didnt see this coming? You weren't getting a penny of your own mula but felt like you could trust dis man,, smdh.
0 0ReplyJanuary 07, 2017
Fuck French Montana & his Arabic ppl shit. An airplane is the last , absolutely last place anyone wants to hear some foriegn BS in their ear. All my furure flights will be with Delta Airlines seeing as they dont tolerate that fuu shit
0 0ReplyDecember 22, 2016
Im gonna stop fw hnhh and just stick with my boi Akademiks, shade room, mr.taliaferio, etc. Why you ask? Because they have the common sense to not give a fuck about the hoedashians and this walking scam blacc chyna. Hnhh is slowly but definitely becoming trash.
0 0ReplyDecember 20, 2016
Nigga must thought he had fans lol. No thug, they were there for a $avage. 21 21
0 0ReplyDecember 19, 2016
Future a Legend! We will all miss him when he's gone, mark my word & Fuck how you feel.
0 0ReplyDecember 15, 2016
As long as he keep making hits, Desiigner will be around. OTOH, if all he can do is make hits & not a complete project, he'll never come close to being as great as Future. Fewtch is a proven G.O.A.T @ the end of the day. Salute to Desiigner tho, u winning Kidd.
0 0ReplyDecember 12, 2016
Who ever wrote this article clearly has no HS education. I couldnt even read everything without getting pissed off due to all the errors n dis shit.
0 0ReplyNovember 21, 2016