jonathan diggs
jonathan diggs
Joined Apr 20, 2018
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jonathan diggsjonathan diggs
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Just came here to let the writers of This website know that your users don’t give a fuck a some people that got rich off a sextape. Never will never have. This ain’t tmz if the person doesn’t make music stop talking about them 🥴
0 0ReplyAugust 31, 2022
jonathan diggsjonathan diggs
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Damn that beehive shit still alive. Y’all should have babies and families to worry about now y’all would think.
0 0ReplyJuly 28, 2022
jonathan diggsjonathan diggs
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They is plural, y’all out here writing the article as if they is some sort of group of people. Fuck all that they shit. I ain’t spend 13 years in school just for the lgbtq community to change the way grammar works. Y’all weirdos for even complying with this bullshit 😂
0 0ReplyNovember 30, 2021
jonathan diggsjonathan diggs
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The fact that people feel they was free before the vaccine blows my mind. Y’all never been free the government been had control of ya since birth and if you think cause of some amendments written on a piece of paper says otherwise then you more sheep then the people getting the vaccine 🤷‍♂️
0 0ReplyOctober 05, 2021
jonathan diggsjonathan diggs
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Somebody come get they cracked out uncle cause this ain’t it in the slightest
0 0ReplyMay 04, 2021
jonathan diggsjonathan diggs
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Why do people sleep on Glizzy??? This dude puts out nothing but 🔥
0 0ReplySeptember 19, 2020
jonathan diggsjonathan diggs
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Hotnewhiphop you create a platform for black artist to get their songs herd but you let racist trolls flood your site.. YOURE APART OF THE PROBLEM JUST AS MUCH AS THE COPS ARE BECAUSE YOU LET THESE RACISTS HAVE A VOICE.. do something about it or I’ll make sure your site gets destroyed on god!
0 0ReplyAugust 27, 2020
jonathan diggsjonathan diggs
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Waiting all that long cuz better off releasing a new tape
0 0ReplyJuly 31, 2020
jonathan diggsjonathan diggs
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I ain’t even read the article I just came to here to say REAL NIGGAS DONT CARE ABOUT THIS RAT! Stop posting him for clout and build your website on some actual real shit before I delete the app
0 0ReplyJuly 08, 2020
jonathan diggsjonathan diggs
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If I wasn’t Canadian I’d make it my life’s mission to assissinate Donald trump.. aka why ain’t one of y’all done it yet?
0 0ReplyJune 06, 2020