Joined Aug 14, 2016
Recent comments
We need more proof than words from woman if you want to destroy a mans life.
0 0ReplyApril 25, 2018
What about the racism of white americans being casted as fat yellow donut eating beef drinkers on the show... Everyone just stfu
0 0ReplyApril 25, 2018
He was not locked up unjustly he was locked up for too long. He deserved a littletime though
0 0ReplyApril 25, 2018
'It shows growth' 😂😂😂
0 0ReplyApril 25, 2018
Damn that wad unexpected. He was in a little 2 long for non violent crimes
0 0ReplyApril 25, 2018
They got a point on this.. But black americans issues are they use the race card sooooo much for everything that doesnt go their way..when a real situation like this comes up..noone cares. But this is an example yes
0 0ReplyApril 24, 2018
Hahahahha and this is the bitch i need 2 listen to to determine what type of person trump is hahahhaha
0 0ReplyApril 24, 2018
Id like a mixtape from these 2.
0 0ReplyApril 24, 2018
Whole families dying for their evil deeds. Peace.
0 0ReplyApril 24, 2018
White ppl dont support this bitch.
0 0ReplyApril 24, 2018