Joined May 05, 2017
Recent comments
Hell yeah maybe she will bring out Codak Black
0 0ReplyMay 19, 2017
Shits gonna be booty cheeks
0 0ReplyMay 17, 2017
Logic is everything wrong with the rap industry. Fake. Fraudulent.
0 0ReplyMay 07, 2017
Article: Future's Self-Titled Album Goes Gold
Only went gold and not platinum because our kind and god drake wasn't featured. Future is a moron.
0 0ReplyMay 06, 2017
Logic ha you dog. Why do you think anybody gives 1 shred of care about you? Their is only one figure in hip hop that everyone has their eyes on and it's the triple 6 god. Fuck logic fake fraud
0 0ReplyMay 06, 2017
Article: Logic's Top 5 Freestyles
You'll never be better then drake logic
Their is only 1 true messiah of rap and it's the 6-6-6-6-6 G.O.D.
0 0ReplyMay 06, 2017
logic is finished. He's at the end of the road as an "artist", if you'd even call him that. No more corny beretta raps, finger fucking the critics rhymes and biracial bullshit. Logic has nothing left to say
0 0ReplyMay 06, 2017
you gotta be kitten me thag bor rediclous!
0 0ReplyMay 06, 2017