trevor noah
Pop Culture The former "Daily Show" host once again takes the reins.
Ben Mock 320 Views
TV Trace Minka Kelly's journey in acting, from television roles to film appearances, culminating in a net worth Into the millions.
Rain Adams 1059 Views
Music Trevor Noah says that he's still nervous going into his third stint hosting the Grammys.
Cole Blake 450 Views
TV Trevor Noah exited "The Daily Show" in early December after seven years on the popular show.
Jada Ojii 916 Views
Music T-Pain spoke candidly about the highs and lows of his career on "The Daily Show."
Cole Blake 1.7K Views
Relationships Trevor Noah appeared on Dua Lipa's podcast, which was recorded right after their date in September.
Rex Provost 4.2K Views
Pop Culture Someone asked him about his "beef" with the rapper and Trevor says he's too concerned with Ye's well-being to have tension with him.
Erika Marie 1086 Views
TV Trevor Noah says that he's looking forward to doing "everything" after his departure from "The Daily Show."
Cole Blake 2.1K Views
Pop Culture He says he feels bad for rightwingers because they get this version of Ye. "It’s like getting to date the high school prom king, but decades after high school.”
Erika Marie 1.9K Views
Relationships Dua Lipa confirmed that she's single on a recent episode of her podcast while speaking with Charli XCX.
Cole Blake 2.5K Views
Pop Culture "My time is up.”
Lamar Banks 2.8K Views
Pop Culture Although he and Ye got into it on social media earlier this year, Trevor Noah wants people to remember that "we’re dealing with human beings."
Erika Marie 2.8K Views
Pop Culture Cases are reportedly in the "single digits" as of now, including Jonathan Karl or ABC News who reportedly shook the president's hand at the event.
Erika Marie 1050 Views
Politics Joe Biden trolled Donald Trump and joked about the phrase "Let's go Brandon," during his speech at the White House Correspondents' Dinner.
Cole Blake 3.7K Views
Pop Culture Trevor Noah says he didn't want Kanye West removed from the Grammys lineup.
Cole Blake 7.0K Views
Music A Twitter user posted an image of Kanye West in his political textbook earlier this week.
Brianna Lawson 3.3K Views
Music Trevor Noah, West's recent target, is hosting the coveted award ceremony and it is speculated that is the reason the rapper has been removed from the lineup.
Erika Marie 14.0K Views
Pop Culture Thousands of people have signed and left comments on the petition that claims West "has been threatening actual bodily harm on others."
Erika Marie 17.2K Views
Gram Trevor Noah shared an eloquent response after Ye attacked him with a racial slur on Instagram.
Aron A. 20.3K Views