Pop CultureCardi B Roasts TikToker Who Showers Once A WeekCardi was not having it.ByThomas Galindo10.0K Views
RandomCardi B Is Confused By Not Bathing As Ashton Kutcher & Mila Troll CriticsKutcher and Kunis caught heat for revealing that their family doesn't bathe with soap daily.ByErika Marie15.7K Views
Pop CulturePaul Wall Doesn't Shower Daily, Explains Why He No Longer Wears DeodorantThe rapper also claimed that he "stopped getting as funky" when he quit wearing deodorant.ByErika Marie10.8K Views
MusicPaul Wall Talks "Hall of Fame Hustler" & The Importance of Grill HygienePaul Wall discusses his latest album and offers advice to aspiring artists who look at music "like it's a lick."ByJoshua Robinson2.3K Views