Rap Lyrics
Music Every great MC Has at least a couple of duds in tHeir arsenal, and fans are Hoping tHat tHe "Cooties" MC doesn't add more on His upcoming LP.
Gabriel Bras Nevares 1297 Views
Music "As We Speak: Rap Music On Trial" premieres on Paramount+ on Tuesday, February 27 following its Sundance premiere.
Gabriel Bras Nevares 2.3K Views
Music The two former close collaborators seem more at odds than ever, but with the Atlanta MC on the offensive, Wunna might've called for peace.
Gabriel Bras Nevares 7.3K Views
Crime 58 songs in total had lyrics submitted as evidence.
Lavender Alexandria 1195 Views
Sports Brown was apparently just thinking out loud about future bars.
Ben Mock 776 Views
Music Judge Glanville clarified that prosecutors must establish a solid foundation before using 17 sets of rhymes against the collective.
Gabriel Bras Nevares 795 Views
Music He stressed that he knows most of them and they're "good-hearted" people.
Erika Marie 4.8K Views
Crime The prosecution is planning to use several tracks off of " Slime Language 2" against the members of YSL listed in their recent indictment.
Cole Blake 16.0K Views
Pop Culture Bobby Shmurda tips his hat to New York's bill protecting rap lyrics in court, but thinks it should be implemented nationwide.
Gabriel Bras Nevares 2.0K Views
Music The "Rap Music On Trial" legislation is intended to protect First Amendment rights and prevent prosecutors from using artistic expression as evidence in criminal trials.
Aron A. 1115 Views
Music A Maryland Appeals court has ruled in favor of allowing rap lyrics to be used as legitimate evidence in a courtroom.
Madusa S. 5.9K Views
Music T.I. & his wife Tiny discussed how and if lyrics—regardless of the genre—impact love and relationships in real-life.
Erika Marie 4.0K Views