Last Time I Saw You
StreetwearNicki Minaj Wows Fans With Bodysuit Fit After Dropping "Last Time I Saw You"Minaj keeps dropping bangers.ByBen Mock6.4K Views
SongsNicki Minaj Gets In Her Singing Bag On "Last Time I Saw You"Nicki Minaj is back and fans are very excited.ByAlexander Cole2.4K Views
MusicBarbz Declare Victory On Social Media As "Bongos" Fails To Surpass "Last Time I Saw You"Cardi's new song has been overshadowed on social media.ByBen Mock8.1K Views
MusicNicki Minaj Confirms Her New Single Is Coming Out This WeekBarbz, assemble: we've got somewhere to be on Friday, September 1.ByGabriel Bras Nevares1005 Views
MusicNicki Minaj Promises A Tour Next Year, Celebrates Success Of "Last Time I Saw You"37 countries had "Last Time I Saw You" go number one on iTunes, and the Queen suggested she's going to visit as many of those as possible.ByGabriel Bras Nevares516 Views
Pop CultureNicki Minaj Unleashes "Last Time I Saw You" Audio For Use On TikTokThe Queen of Rap is already launching her "Pink Friday 2" album rollout campaign.ByHayley Hynes2.2K Views