kim jong un
Politics President Donald Trump issues an update on Kim Jong-un's health, claiming that the Supreme Leader of North Korea is doing well despite reports to the contrary.
Alex Zidel 3.4K Views
Society A host on the Fox News channel slipped up.
Milca P. 5.7K Views
Politics Tensions are high as Kim Jong Un continues to threaten nuclear war.
Noah Grant 2.9K Views
Random Kim Jong-un is ordering North Koreans to give up their pet dogs to be killed for food, deeming them a "decadent luxury."
Alex Zidel 8.5K Views
Sports Dennis Rodman is all for Trump trying to "Make The World Great Again."
Milca P. 6.3K Views
Pop Culture Did anyone really believe this was going to be legit?
Ben Mock 612 Views
Gram 50 Cent posted a painting of himself mashed with former Communist leader of China, Mao Zedong, thinking it was the possibly deceased North Korean leader, Kim Jong Un.
Lynn S. 6.9K Views
Sports Rodman considers Kanye to be among the World's "leaders of love."
Devin Ch 2.7K Views
Politics Sarah Huckabee Sanders claims Trump told her to "take one for the team" after Kim Jong-Un winked at her.
Aron A. 2.7K Views
Society Donald Trump is at it again on social media.
Matt F 8.7K Views
Politics Kim Jong Un says North Korea aims to be the world’s most powerful nuclear force.
Cole Blake 41.6K Views
Entertainment Rodman bombs at Bruce Willis roast.
Kyle Rooney 6.4K Views