James Charles
Pop CultureDaBaby Explains Controversial Jojo Siwa Lyric: "All Love On My End Shawty"DaBaby explains his controversial Jojo Siwa lyric, adding that it's "all love."ByCole Blake7.4K Views
Pop CultureYouTubers Come To Jojo Siwa's Defense Following DaBaby's DissJames Charles and Nikita Dragun have come to Jojo Siwa's defense after she was dissed by DaBaby in a new freestyle.ByCole Blake9.0K Views
Pop CultureAsian Doll Beefs With James Charles Over "Hood" Makeup PricesThe rapper and social media influencer/makeup artist aren't seeing eye-to-eye.ByErika Marie2.9K Views
MusicLil Nas X Explains Why He Denied Running A Nicki Minaj Stan AccountThe record-breaking artist was "NasMaraj" on social media for years and only recently admitted to being a Nicki Minaj stan.ByErika Marie6.4K Views