TVTerrence Howard Wants To Do "Something Better For Humanity" After RetirementTerrence Howard wants the truth to be told.ByChantilly Post2.8K Views
SocietyThe First-Ever Photo Of A "Black Hole" Has Been CapturedBehold the historical first sighting of a black hole. ByMitch Findlay3.6K Views
MusicCardi B Responds To Criticism Over Her Subjective "Role Model" Status"People still spit my past right in my face."ByDevin Ch4.0K Views
EntertainmentKevin Hart Defends His "Cowboys & Indians" Costume Party Against "Racial-Backlash"Kevin Hart ByDevin Ch1.7K Views
SocietyFire Destroys Brazil's National Museum, 20 Million Artifacts DestroyedBudgetary cuts are being blamed for the building's vulnerability to fire.ByDevin Ch2.4K Views