Dustin Hice
CrimeDon Lemon Assault Accuser Drops Lawsuit, Says His "Recollection" Of Events Was WrongDustin Hice sued Lemon but was hit with $77K worth of sanctions for allegedly tampering with evidence and attempting to bribe a witness.ByErika Marie4.4K Views
PoliticsDon Lemon Sought $500,000 Settlement In Sexual Assault CaseDon Lemon's accuser recently recounted his story with Megyn Kelly.ByThomas Galindo2.7K Views
CrimeDon Lemon Denies Sexually Assaulting Man At New York BarDustin Hice is alleging that the news anchor put his hand in his pants and "continued to shove his fingers in [Hice's) face with aggression and hostility."ByErika Marie5.6K Views