Gossip Given Kanye West's recent announcement about his adult entertainment ventures, we wonder whether he'll respond to this claim.
Gabriel Bras Nevares 7.6K Views
Gossip This claim was also made by Gene Deal during Sean Combs' former bodyguard's interview with "The Art Of Dialogue."
Gabriel Bras Nevares 9.8K Views
Music This accusation is unconfirmed and unlinked to any charges or investigations at press time regarding Yungeen Ace or Foolio.
Gabriel Bras Nevares 5.4K Views
Gossip While these are unverified and contested claims by some fans and social media users, you can't deny that it isn't a juicy prospect.
Gabriel Bras Nevares 4.8K Views
Music Say what?
Zachary Horvath 4.8K Views
Relationships Things are really getting out of control now.
Zachary Horvath 3.8K Views
Pop Culture Love, who claims to be the two singers' biological daughter, acknowledged her story as "crazy" and said it'll be hard to prove.
Gabriel Bras Nevares 68.7K Views
Relationships Tyrese recently and tearfully reflected on this divorce, as well as on his grief, during his return to "The Breakfast Club."
Gabriel Bras Nevares 3.0K Views
Music It looks like The Game is employing some strategies from Drake and Kendrick's beef, as he's apparently heard Ross' response.
Gabriel Bras Nevares 2.7K Views
Music While the audio doesn't feature the Bad Boy mogul's voice, it does feature Keefe laughing about his involvement with Vegas cops.
Gabriel Bras Nevares 22.7K Views
Music Suki wants the City Girl to clear the air about an alleged sneak diss, it seems.
Gabriel Bras Nevares 1491 Views
Gossip Was this a dismissal or a denial?
Gabriel Bras Nevares 1053 Views
Music The media personality had previously called Taxstone a "worker" on Gillie and Wallo's podcast, inspiring beef between them.
Gabriel Bras Nevares 10.6K Views
Music It's wild that the rumor mill somehow made these two names cross over, but we'd expect nothing less bizarre from the Internet.
Gabriel Bras Nevares 3.2K Views
Music Another bizarre and wildly speculative interview with the actor and reality star has fans scratching their heads.
Gabriel Bras Nevares 19.1K Views
Pop Culture The social media influencer and fashion entrepreneur called Drake "murderous" and claims to have exposed him as part of the Illuminati.
Gabriel Bras Nevares 25.1K Views
Music Even if Metro's just playing, we have to give him his props for identifying what so many people have been going wild over these past few days.
Gabriel Bras Nevares 5.0K Views
Music Infinite Coles took to Instagram with a lot of serious claims against the Wu-Tang legend, including that he lived in a homeless shelter for a year during COVID-19 without Ghost's support.
Gabriel Bras Nevares 15.0K Views
Music Ja can't get down with someone wanting to tear others down just to rise above them.
Gabriel Bras Nevares 6.3K Views
Pop Culture The media personality's recent appearance in Atlanta was suddenly interrupted by a woman who claimed to have been with him intimately.
Gabriel Bras Nevares 1.9K Views
Gossip Boo's brother had also overdosed the night the rapper died, and both were hospitalized.
Gabriel Bras Nevares 50.2K Views
Music The two rappers have had a pretty close relationship over the years, so it's unsurprising that they would inspire each other's work.
Gabriel Bras Nevares 1468 Views