campaign speech
Politics Joe Biden is being picked apart for a speech where he stumbled over "incoherent" sentences that made little to no sense.
Alex Zidel 80.2K Views
Relationships Kanye West says that, if Kim Kardashian divorces him over his comments at his campaign rally in South Carolina, he would be "at peace."
Alex Zidel 19.0K Views
Politics Watch Bernie Sanders walk out to Young Thug's "Pick Up The Phone" in ATL last night.
Kevin Goddard 4.4K Views
Sports Molly Qerim is of two minds about the Eminem reference.
Matt F 516 Views
Music Eminem calls President Trump "a bitch" on Big Sean's new track "No Favors."
hnhh 130 Views
Life "She deserves to have so many people giving her positive attention and props."
Kyle Rooney 202 Views
News Along with "Campaign Speech," Eminem has announced he's preparing the follow-up to "MMLP2."
Trevor Smith 105 Views