13 years old
MusicNBA YoungBoy Seemingly Appears As 13-Year-Old In Google Maps ImageWhile this is largely unconfirmed and frankly a bizarre connection and discovery to come across, you know how obsessive some YB fans are.ByGabriel Bras Nevares4.4K Views
ViralLatto Reacts To Her 13-Year-Old Self's Performance In Viral Video: WatchThe Atlanta rapper's been putting in that work for decades now, and it's heartening to see her celebrate her "bubble gum swag."ByGabriel Bras Nevares1.9K Views
GramLeBron James Offers Heartfelt Birthday Wish To Son BryceLeBron James' middle child Bryce turned 13 years old today. ByAlexander Cole4.0K Views