Honestly when you look it up she described the situation it seems like she just wanted food. He invites her to the crib she's like cool and then they both give each other oral and she wants out after. But literally says nothing. She basically says she just acts weird hoping he would stop. Like how the fuck he was supposed to know. She just says she gives "hints". Never said "no" or "stop". Doesn't say anything until after the fact. I don't get that. Like just say "no" walk out instead of leaving it in this weird unknown area and sitting there.
I felt sorry for this nigga the most, cuz these handicapped retarded bitches shot this man's career over a lying bitch pretending to be sexually assaulted, but her alibi ***CLEARLY*** implies she was a willing participant & he legit asked for consent about every act. He didn't do shit at all..
Totally agree with mindy. Although I'm sure it was at least awkward, like he said he respected the girls wishes which is a whole different then Luis ck, or any of the other actual scumbags and/or rapists (or Weinstein, spacey etc). Plus people who are comparing him to others are doing the actual victims of rape etc a huge disservice and undermines those who suffered in horrific events...