After only a few days since his Twitter account was resuscitated by the social media platform, Donald Trump is putting those thumbs to work, this time calling out North Korea leader Kim Jong Un for his physical appearance.
In a post that Trump's official Twitter account shared earlier today, he called the nuclear-armed head of government "short and fat," while lamenting the fact that Kim Jong Un, in his wisdom, called Trump "old." Trump continued to point out that things weren't his fault, adding: "I try so hard to be his friend - and maybe someday that will happen!"
The tweet was sent out in the midst of Trump's tour of foreign countries in Asia that currently has him in Vietnam. There's no telling if these remarks will elicit a negative retaliation or response from North Korea, but it's clear that those remarks were, at the very least, reckless. According to Time, this may be part of Trump's attempt to rally world leaders into applying more pressure to Kim Jong Un's nuclear weapons program, coming on the heels of a stern speech that he made to South Korea’s National Assembly on Tuesday. “Do not underestimate us," he said to the group of dignitaries. "And do not try us. … The weapons you’re acquiring are not making you safer, they are putting your regime in grave danger. Every step you take down this dark path increases the peril you face.”
Donald Trump has also seen his fair share of criticism for events transpiring in the United States as well. After the church shooting that left several people dead in Sutherland Springs, Texas, the President said that the issue was in the inadequacy of mental health regulations in the country and not gun laws. Still, the public outcry only continues to grow louder against Trump, who just crossed the one-year mark of his tenure as Commander-in-Chief last week. Only time will tell if his tactics overseas will bring about positive change or simply more backlash from those who oppose his policies.
Donald Trump