There aren't many people who will stand behind R. Kelly right now. After the debut of Surviving R. Kelly on Lifetime, the culture has canceled the R&B legend. All of these allegations against R. Kelly have been known for decades, but it took a docuseries to motivate people on a massive scale to wash their hands of Kells. French Montana was one of the few people who voiced support for Kelly, suggesting that he should be able to enjoy his legacy. While speaking with Angie Martinez, A$AP Rocky attempted to clarify French's comment.

"I think he had a Kanye moment where he was trying to articulate something and his delivery just wasn't right," Rocky states at the 16:43 mark. "I think what he was trying to say was people like Bill Cosby, people like R. Kelly, they build up this legacy for a long time, and it just gets taken away. Don't get me wrong. Do I know if R. Kelly is a rapist and all that other stuff? It seems like he is." Rocky continued on to firmly state his own stance on Kells. "I look at it like this. If that man has a sickness, he needs to be dealt with," the rapper explained.