Catcreek Musa
- NewsNothing Stays The SameNothing Stays The Same - Catcreek Musa feat. The Franklin Brothers
Prod. by Elo The Source Music Recorded at 502 Studios License Now…ong=2084281219 Composer/Producer/Bass Guitar/Organ/Drums/M.Guitar - Elo The Source Vocals - The Franklin Brothers Spoken Poetry - Catcreek Musa Art Design: By James Kepler Designs…he-same-lyrics ℗©2014 Elo The Source Music Publishing (BMI) All rights reservedByRose Lilah55 Views - SongsThe American HipHopcrisyCatcreek Musa exposes "The American HipHopcrisy."Byhnhh78 Views
- NewsThe American HipHopcrisyThe American HipHopcrisy is a grand overview of the state of today's Hip Hop genre. The raw-griddiness of this 9th Wonder production masterfully lays out the canvas while the artist (Catcreek Musa) vividly implodes bar after bar of conscious content about the hypocrisy in America and Hip Hop and how the two marry. Not only Catcreek Musa talks about issues people wouldn't dare to "touch", he tackles head on, in an attempt to wake up the people who have been lobbied to sleep by the Hidden Hand.ByPatrick Lyons46 Views
- NewsNothing Stays The SameNothing Stays The Same - Catcreek Musa feat. The Franklin Brothers