What exactly is Bow Wow known for these days? To some fans, it's his boyhood career that saw him release some successful R&B/hip-hop singles and expand his profile to film and TV. To others, it's his newfound status as a man who is constantly taking L's on social media for his questionable antics, from his private jet stunting to his recent Death Row portrait fakery. However, whatever lane you feel he fits in best, there's one title that no one (except of course the rapper himself) is tacking onto his public persona: dating guru.
That's right - Mr. Moss is now apparently in the business of giving advice to men about women, publishing a new video to his Instagram page using the hashtag #KeepItPlayaThursdays. Apparently, he wants this topic of discussion to be a recurring entry into his social media content strategy, where once a week he'll return to the app and continue to donate some pearls of wisdom to his fellow men out there how are doing their best to live a likeminded lifestyle. On the docket for Bow Wow today: a question from a fan that asked if a girl were to come over to his and spend the night, is he obligated to feed her the next morning? The problem, as far as the unknown social media user is concerned, is that if he were to shell out for a meal, she will think it's a date. Bow Wow's response: "she definitely don't think it was a date."
The rapper continued to explain his reasoning in the clip, adding that, "she came over during booty hours [...] she knew what's up. She probably wanted it more than you did." He goes on to say that, whether it's for $50 or $150, there's nothing wrong with buying the woman in question what he calls a "nice American breakfast." Hotel room service, home cooked, doesn't matter - Bow Wow thinks there should be some sort of thank-you gesture after the booty time has reached its conclusion.
Are you feeling Bow Wow's latest venture into the "life coach" area of Instagram? Or should he just stick to his day job, whatever that is at this point? Have your say below.
Bow Wow