Cesar Pina and his legal team are reportedly working on reaching a plea deal with authorities according to court documents obtained by AllHipHop. His lawyers requested a continuance in hopes that both parties reach a settlement and avoid a trial. Police accuse him of running a multimillion-dollar real estate investment fraud scheme.
The court documents read: “Counsel for the parties represented that this additional continuance is necessary for effective preparation and to permit the parties to attempt to resolve this case prior to indictment and thereby avoid a trial.”
Cesar Pina & DJ Envy Attend Brandon Medford Sales Academy Launch Event

The documents continue: “Plea negotiations are currently in progress, and both the United States and the defendant desire additional time to negotiate a plea agreement, which would render grand jury proceedings and a trial in this matter unnecessary. Thus, the ends of justice served by granting the continuance and preventing any further non-excludable days from passing under § 3161(h) outweigh the best interest of the public and the defendant in a speedy trial. IT IS, therefore ORDERED that this action is continued from the date the Order is signed through February 29, 2024; and it is further ORDERED that those days are excluded in computing time under the Speedy Trial Act of 1974; and it is further ORDERED that nothing in this Order or the application prompting it is a finding or representation that less than 31 non-excludable days under § 3161(h) have expired.”
DJ Envy has been roped into the scandal as he was a former business partner of Pina. Pina defended the former Breakfast Club host after his arrest, claiming he had nothing to do with the alleged scam. Be on the lookout for further updates on Cesar Pina's case on HotNewHipHop.