Nico Segal, a leading member of the group The Social Experiment -- also made up of Chance The Rapper, Peter Cottontale, Greg Landfair Jr., and Nate Fox, will no longer be using his usual moniker of "Donnie Trumpet" in an attempt to distance himself from U.S. president-elect Donald Trump, who presumably inspired the nickname in the first place. In a letter posted on his website and to his social media accounts, he announced that he will once again be recording under his given name. "Farewell, Donnie Trumpet," he begins. He goes on to write, "What began as a joke, a silly play on words, is not funny anymore. I don't want to be connected to Trump's hateful tone or his hurtful message."
Read Nico's full letter below.
Nico Segal

Nico Segal Abandons His "Donnie Trumpet" Nickname After Donald Trump's Victory