If you've watched the last thirty episodes of Jeopardy!, you've gotten used to one competitor coming out on top of every single game. James Holzhauer has enjoyed a historic run as the Jeopardy! champion and he's so close to defeating Ken Jennings as the most winningest champ in the show's long tenure. If you're not down to have tonight's episode spoiled for you, we would advise you to head to the next article because spoilers are set to begin under the photo below.

According to several sources, James Holzhauer is set to finally be uncrowned tonight after raking in over $2 million on the show. He enjoyed a close final game but ultimately, a bad luck charm ate at him throughout the match. As news started circulating about his loss on tonight's episode, James joked around by saying that he regrets inviting a certain somebody to watch him in his element.
As reported by The Blast, Holzhauer is putting the blame on Drake. As you've surely become aware, each sports team that Drake happens to support manages to fail somehow. While Drizzy Drake may have had nothing to do with Holzhauer's unfortunate loss, the champ took the easy way out by blaming it all on him. Drake probably couldn't care any less though about being a scapegoat. Homie is out here on his free private jet living the good life.