Lifetime's Surviving R. Kelly is putting a bigger spotlight on the horrifying sexual misconduct allegations against the singer. His attempt to clear his name by "exposing" his survivors was quickly shut down by Facebook. However, members of his team are still putting in work to clear Kellz' name from these accusations. The parents of one of the singer's alleged sex cult members filed a police report against R. Kelly's manager, claiming he's been threatening them since they appeared in the Lifetime docuseries.

According to The Blast, Don Russell is being accused of threatening the parents of Jocelyn Savage who appeared in Surviving R. Kelly. Her father, Timothy Savage called the police on January 3rd, saying Russell began sending them threats the morning that the docuseries aired. Timothy Savage texted him, writing, “it would be best for him and his family if the documentary does not air.”
The police stated that they were with Timothy when Russell called and listened in while the phone was on speaker. Russell claimed Timothy gave false information to Lifetime for the documentary. The report suggests Russell attempted to blackmail Timothy, saying that if his support for Surviving R. Kelly continued, Russell and R. Kelly “would be forced to provide information disproving Timothy.” The information against Timothy, as Russell described, would “ruin him, his reputation, business, and family because it would show him a liar.”
The CID is currently investigating the accusations after a report was made for "harassing communications.”
Although the alleged victim, Jocelyn, has denied being held against her will, Timothy Savage and his family are still trying to get in contact with her.