J.I.D. and EarthGang have been steadily cultivating their respective discographies. While J.I.D. has been hitting his road in the wake of The Never Story, fans have been waiting patiently to see what's next for the talented lyricist. Thankfully, the rapper proved his realness by dropping off a pre-fame mixtape by the name of Para Tu, which served as a digestif of sorts. For now, the Dreamville rapper continues to flourish, and his potential amasses by the day. Enter EarthGang, who recently concluded their stellar, highly conceptual EP trilogy; Rags, Robots, and Royalty are three intertwining drops which connect to make one linear narrative. If you haven't yet taken that particular journey, perhaps consider embarking.
Musically, both J.I.D. and EarthGang are on point. Luckily, their hustle game seems to mirror their musical output. The homies recently announced a European extension of their Never Had Shit Tour, which is set to pop off in Oslo on May 31st. From their, they'll continue through Germany, France, Switzerland, the UK, and more before coming to a stop in Iceland. While we know our main demographic largely hails from the U.S., it's still cool to see J.I.D. and EarthGang hitting up a European adventure. They may have Never Had Shit, but the winds of change are rising.
As both acts are two personal favorites, one can only hope that the tour doesn't overtly impede the release of new music. The game could always benefit from more J.I.D, Johnny Venus, and Doctur Dot.