Last year, we reported a story on Joycelyn Savage and her family, who came forward saying that their daughter had been "brainwashed" and part of an alleged sex cult by R. Kelly. However, Joycelyn herself denied the claims, but her family continues to believe she’s being held without her will by the R&B singer. Well now TMZ has obtained video footage of R. Kelly and Joycelyn hanging out together in public, and she definitely doesn’t look to be being held against her will.
The two were spotted shopping together at a mall in Chicago on April 28. They were seen walking around a Nordstrom store, checking out products and acting more like boyfriend & girlfriend than anything. Joycelyn was awfully affectionate, walking out the store and rubbing Kelly’s neck.
Unless this was the best acting & troll job done by Joycelyn, it’s pretty clear she’s telling the truth when she says she isn't being held against her will like her family suggests.
This clip surfaces just a week after a couple more woman came forward saying R. Kelly sexually abused them as well.
Check out the clip of R. Kelly & Joycelyn hanging out together at the mall (below) and let us know what you think.
R. Kelly