Tekashi 6ix9ine is currently wrapping up an overseas run in Europe, and although he’s been out of the country, the man still can’t dodge the beef.
Earlier last week, he was sparring with newcomer Juice WRLD, who sparked a seemingly unprompted “Fuck 6ix9ine” chant at a show in England on behalf of his friend G Herbo. Tekashi would initially respond in a fairly civilized manner, uploading a clip in which he addressed Juice WRLD, saying he wasn’t interested in any pressure that Juice may be creating in pursuit of “clout.” Naturally, that didn’t last song as Tekashi would soon craft a whole skit, poking fun at the emo subgenre Juice WRLD has settled into.
Now, we’ve been observing Tekashi long enough to know that the petty trait is simply embedded in him and at a recent show while performing “GUMMO,” he decided to let a casual shot at Chief Keef slide in his lyrics. The Brooklyn rapper decided to fill in the blank toward the end of the son’s hook, crying out “Shout out Chief Keef,” and alloing the audience to finish the rest: “but I fucked that nigga bitch.”
On the original version of the track, Tekashi shout outs rapper SosMula, but in the final version that we hear now, the name is edited out and is left up to listener’s interpretation.
The jab was made in relation to 6ix9ine’s recent encounter with Chief Keef’s baby mama Slim Danger who declared in a video that the Chicago star doesn’t take care of his children and proceeded to head into a Gucci store with 6IX9INE. She even went so far as to dying her hair in the same rainbow pattern that 6IX9INE rocks to make a point.