It looks like Young Thug is taking a page from Brother Love Diddy’s book. According to the ATL rapper, he wants to be called simply “Sex” for now on. Thugger hopped on Twitter Monday night and tweeted out, “I’m changing my name to SEX….,” before adding “For now on call me SEX!!!”
Now something tells me this isn't real and a joke/ troll job of sorts, but who knows? Anything is possible these day just see who's President. Thugger didn’t clarify why he wants to be called “Sex,” but maybe it has something to do with him needing it? Just last month, the ATL rapper had a similar incident with the word "sex," when he tweeted out "I need sex, it's been too long."
However, the irony behind all of this is that Thugger once said he wasn’t about the sex life like that actually. In fact, it was back in August of 2016 when Thugger said he didn't even care for sex, and waited six months until him and his ex-fiance Jerrika Karlae finally did.
"We wasn't doing it on like no it's too early to have sex shit," says Thug of his initial abstinence with Karlae. "We really wasn't. I don't care for sex that much. I never ask to have sex with her, never, ever."
So why Thugger now wants to be called “Sex” really comes out of nowhere, and doesn't make much sense, but I don't think it’s going to last, or even if he's serious for that matter. This is probably just a joke, but see the tweet for yourself (below) and let us know what you think.
Young Thug