Next week, tens of millions of people will gather with their loved ones for Thanksgiving. The holiday often prompts celebrities to come forward with holiday drives and giveaways, and each year, Young Dolph gives back to his community. The 36-year-old rapper, husband, and father was gunned down in front of a cookie shop on Wednesday (November 17) and he picked up items for his mother. Being that he was in his hometown of Memphis, the tragedy has struck a deeper chord.
Young Dolph was known for his community activist, including giving away food and goods to those in need during the holiday season and according to a Fox 13 News reporter, Dolph missed his outreach by hours.

"Young Dolph's annual Thanksgivng Turkey Giveaway was scheduled for today at 2pm," reporter Joey Sulipeck tweeted. Additionally, he gave an update to the rumored curfew that many politicians wanted to go into effect.
"Memphis Police Chief C. J. Davis says there will be no curfew enacted this evening," Sulipeck added. "That doesn't mean one won't be needed at a later time, but have no current plans for one." Many fans and Memphis residents have been highlighting Dolph's community efforts, including him regularly visiting his high school to encourage students.