XXXTentacion Tells His Fans "Don't Think It's Cool To Be An A**hole"

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XXXTentacion passes on some pearls of wisdom.

XXXTentacion may not be the first name that springs to mind when you're looking for a member of the hip-hop firmament to instill some positive motivational messages in their followers, but here we are. The young rapper, who has been known for his violent outbursts and reportedly has a history of domestic abuse, took to social media recently to share some words of wisdom with his fans. The watchwords was, plain and simple, positivity and purpose. 

"Today I wanted to tell my fans to wake up with a purpose," began XXXTentacion. "Whether it be something small, whether it be something that is only ideal to you, as long as you wake up with a purpose, you will be in positive energy today." He continued along those same lines later on in the clip, reiterating that his message was all about "peace, love and positivity." While some may have questioned what exactly the purpose X spoke of meant in a practical sense, the emcee left nothing to the imagination. "The purpose," as he explained, "could be something as simple as feeding a homeless person, or walking up to someone random and telling them that they're going to have a great day [...] in order to [get] a blessing, you have to be a blessing." X also encouraged his fans and others watching to help him start a hashtag that would help facilitate the sharing of problems and/or thoughts related to depression without the fear of being judged. The common ground, as per the rapper's video clip, was to be their shared love of his music.

"Don't think it's cool to be an asshole," XXXTentacion continued. "Or that positivity does not see the light, because it does. Don't think that being negative is going to make you famous or a cool person - it's not cool." Whether or not hip-hop fans will believe these words to be genuine, given the emcee's history of past misdeeds, it must be acknowledged that XXXTentacion is (finally) using his platform to spread positive vibes in lieu of negative ones.


XXXTentacion Tells His Fans "Don't Think It's Cool To Be An A**hole"
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