Cousin Skeeter
Cousin Skeeter
Joined Aug 16, 2016
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Cousin SkeeterCousin Skeeter
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All i know is tiny is a member of xscape and deserves way more of my respect than wendy williams who just makes her money off of talkin shit about people
0 0ReplySeptember 16, 2017
Cousin SkeeterCousin Skeeter
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Nah i think whitlock, who has never said one positive thing about kaep or his movement and is the real life uncle ruckus, decided to make a skit on his show that is making fun of kaepernick. To cover his ass he asked a member of the black community to be part of the skit as a cosign, and kid was the dumbass who agreed because he isnt poppin and whitlock/fs1 paid him for the appearance and now he is trying to cover his own ass.
0 0ReplySeptember 16, 2017
Cousin SkeeterCousin Skeeter
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LOL locker room talk and rape talk are two completely different things. Fuck is wrong with yall, if you dont understand how the president of the US saying he can do whatever he wants to women cause hes rich is wrong then ur a moron. Also, yall are all hype as fuck to agree with a dude who just learned how to read like last year and hes 40 lmao. Idiots lol
0 0ReplySeptember 15, 2017
Cousin SkeeterCousin Skeeter
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God dam 2017 is weird as shit. How did the KKK even get his number.
0 0ReplySeptember 14, 2017
Cousin SkeeterCousin Skeeter
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Detroit vs everybody i guess. As eazy e would say, this is good news. Good looks on gettin jemele's name more clicks and more paper in her bank account. Stupid muhfuckas, and south park clowned yall entire base yall probly bouta send a tweet and do the same for them.
0 0ReplySeptember 13, 2017
Cousin SkeeterCousin Skeeter
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Thats dumb that they had to put out a statement. Like steve bannon literally said hes working for donald on the outside, he literally is a white supremacist. Why are we tiptoing and mincing words i dont understand the point, guys dad was in the KKK all of this stuff is common knowledge. Next time ESPN should just say ay yall sorry if any white supremacists were offended by our employees statement yall can kick rocks and go watch whitlocks fatass on fs1
0 0ReplySeptember 12, 2017
Cousin SkeeterCousin Skeeter
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You can pretty much apply his work ethic to whatever you do in life and youll give yourself the best chance of being successful. Man probly still in the gym 3am gettin shots up. Legend fr.
0 0ReplySeptember 12, 2017
Cousin SkeeterCousin Skeeter
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Probly wack. I need an album from remy, rapsody and dreezy tho
0 0ReplySeptember 12, 2017
Cousin SkeeterCousin Skeeter
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This whole thing is bs. NFL really tried to have dude play on sunday night and THEN suspend him 6 games after they make bread off him playing against the giants. NFL is corrupt as fuck, but at the end of the day all the players have to do is not play. If i were them id beg the NBA players and MLB players to help them fund a season long sit out.
0 0ReplySeptember 09, 2017
Cousin SkeeterCousin Skeeter
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Lol love killa, gimme a dipset biopic bruh
0 0ReplySeptember 09, 2017