Boss Hogg King Heffe
Boss Hogg King Heffe
Joined Oct 20, 2018
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Although we aren't able to see what caused the officer to hit her, this is still wrong on the part of the police.
1 1ReplyOctober 20, 2018
Kanye is woke and all you sleep Dummycrats that follow the party of slavery believing everything the TV says are brainwashed. The call it a TV and have what the clearly tell you they are " programs". Your being programmed.
0 0ReplyOctober 21, 2018
Don't vote for the Dummycrat party
0 0ReplyOctober 29, 2018
The man has not even been convicted yet and the public act as though he has already been found guilty. All this outcry and I have not seen any articles on Harvey Weinstein. The media and the ppl are quick to try and destroy a brother but protect perverts like Kevin Spacey, Weinstein,Elvis and any other famous Caucasian. I'm not defending R Kelly however; I'm just pointing out how ppl are brainwashed and believe anything the media says. This is just like when the Neverland story came out and ppl flipped on MJ and disregard the fact that MJ was under 24/7 FBI surveillance for 10 yrs and nothing came up yet, ppl are stupid enough to believe the two men who lied and have been caught lying recently about their stories.
16 4ReplyApril 07, 2019
Where is the articles on Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, Elvis and countless white perverts ?
0 0ReplyApril 07, 2019
Man that's some funny shit got me lmao! Game needs to remember that he is a hypocrite because he has a song talking about Kim K and got the nerve to try and say it's about respect.
11 2ReplyApril 11, 2019
Some more made up bull crap. Those aren't nightmares it's the dreams about Big Lenny tearing him a new one.
3 0ReplyApril 20, 2019
Claims of getting a meatball sub lol ! More like meat and balls for his a**
0 0ReplyApril 22, 2019
Cocaine is a helluva drug
3 0ReplyApril 23, 2019
As a black man I could never vote for the Dummycrat party.
7 2ReplyApril 25, 2019
I still think they should have waited longer to remove him life support.
3 1ReplyApril 29, 2019
Always targeting the right and never the left. Operation Mockingbird is still in play.
2 2ReplyMay 02, 2019
The media will do anything to try and get people to vote for the Dummycrat's
10 4ReplyMay 08, 2019
These ppl protesting this law are the evil ones. How can someone get pissed about woman not being able to kill a baby.
2 1ReplyMay 16, 2019
Idiot gives money to an organization that was founded on eugenics by Margaret Sanger with the sole purpose to kill black babies. People need to stop being so ignorant.
2 0ReplyMay 19, 2019
Please Nicca ! You messed that up by yourself.
0 0ReplyMay 24, 2019
That's a damn man period. If your born with a penis your a male . This mentally ill pervert started this whole thing. The media and all these sites like hnhh spread fake news and anything deemed negative towards Trump and his supporters just to try and influence the next election. Get over it Hilary loss and you Dummycrats are still upset.
0 0ReplyJune 11, 2019
I see hnhh took down my first comment because the truth hurts. Well the man is clearly mentally ill and the writer of this article is apparently stupid to call this man an actress. Oh and yes hnhh along with a laundry list of media outlets are trying to influence the next election by posting fake news and anything negative towards Trump and his supporters. Get over it Hilary loss and the Dummycrats are still upset. I'm waiting to see if hnhh deletes my comment.
0 0ReplyJune 11, 2019
Free rooms to go kill a baby is insane. This society is so wicked. Just because something is legal doesn't make it right.
0 2ReplyJune 11, 2019
They get legal counsel anyway. He ain't did nothing special.
1 3ReplyJune 14, 2019
Child support until she is 23 ! Shiiid
4 0ReplyJune 14, 2019
Although people may not agree with her, but she is just promoting a healthier lifestyle. Nothing wrong with that. The people talking crazy are just that crazy !
3 2ReplyJune 14, 2019
Can't turn a how into a house wife
3 2ReplyJune 14, 2019
Built up like the hippo from Madagascar
1 1ReplyJune 14, 2019
It's amazing on how people are with killing a baby. Some believe this narrative that a fetus is not a baby when it clearly says so. The man has no say so about his child being murdered. But if a man caused the death of a child because he didn't want to have the child he is going to jail for murder. This no different than a death sentence and these. The only difference from a baby in the womb and a baby outside of the womb is age and location.
4 0ReplyJune 16, 2019
He definitely should have been nominated
7 3ReplyJune 18, 2019
CNN does suck. They lie about everything and can't go one day without some news about Trump.
0 1ReplyJune 19, 2019
One of the Green Bay Packers had a chickens whole head in his food about a year ago. BWW needs to be shut down
0 0ReplyJune 23, 2019
All these murder institutes need to be shut down
3 0ReplyJune 23, 2019
Well he won MVP in the finals. So how can anyone deny that he isn't valuable to the Warriors ? If it was not for him the Warriors would have lost against Cleveland. So keep on hating haters.
0 1ReplyJune 24, 2019
I smell pussy. Is that you Irv ?
16 1ReplyJuly 04, 2019
The stats that Forbes put out says that the men's world cup generate around 6 billion dollars. The women's generate around 130 million dollars. Big difference.
3 1ReplyJuly 08, 2019
Not one of you so called men on here would say anything negative towards a man if he was running through chicks. Yet you got something to say about women doing it and got all kinds of negative things to say.
4 9ReplyJuly 08, 2019
These trans and LGBT are all a bunch of mentally ill and perverted community of people.
8 3ReplyJuly 10, 2019
Stupid ass black people think that the Dummycrats care so much for them. All they have to do is use race and you idiots go protest, get emotional and bent out of shape. The Democratic party passed laws to penalized you for not having healthcare and now they are offering it to illegal aliens for free. Your a special kind of stupid to be a liberal or socialist.
5 3ReplyJuly 11, 2019
This ain't nothing new. Banks always do business with drug dealers as does the USA. The money says in GID we trust. Well they trust in Guns, Oil and Drugs.
0 0ReplyJuly 11, 2019
This dumb skant needs to stay away from politics. If she does want to indulge in politics then she should go to the shit hole countries that are failing due to socialist practices Bernie Sanders want to implement. All this free stuff ain't free because the working people's money pays for these handouts.
4 1ReplyJuly 16, 2019
The media has programmed all you people to hate this man because he beat Hilary and your liberal Dummycrats are feeding into this new world order of dumb down society. Not one thing was said about Trump being a racist until he was elected. Hitler said it best. All you have to do is repeat a lie enough and people will believe it. The media edits and spins all his comments. To make things worse is the got these celebrities spewing there bs. Russian collision was a lie just like all the things you no researching people believe.
0 0ReplyJuly 24, 2019
This bitch needs to go eat a dick up til she hiccups
0 0ReplyJuly 25, 2019
You got to be a brainwashed fucktard Dummycrat to listen to any of these so called celebrities. One thing I do know is not all celebrities are significant and significant people are not celebrities.
9 4ReplyJuly 31, 2019
Y'all tripping 50 still a dope rapper. Even though he has not released music in a while his mixtapes he put out after the situation with Interscope were fire.
12 3ReplyJuly 31, 2019
Bunch of ignorant niggas. Keep up the good work by killing each other you dumb coons
1 0ReplyAugust 05, 2019
Dumb politicians and dumb citizens always blame everyone besides the person who committed the crime. This baboon is blaming Obama and liberals are blaming Trump.
3 0ReplyAugust 05, 2019
This thot was there to enjoy the skankish activities that all tramps enjoy. Talking about working so hard on her brand. This thot ain't worked a day in her life.
0 0ReplyAugust 05, 2019
Why didn't they charge him 18 yrs ago ? They plan on hanging Kells due to all the charges.
2 2ReplyAugust 05, 2019
What about the serial killers in Chicago and every gang infested city nation wide. Chicago has mass shootings every weekend and the terrorist there are black people.
20 10ReplyAugust 05, 2019
Jarule should have never gotten into a beef with 50 period. He should have ignored him and kept making music.
4 0ReplyAugust 20, 2019
Fuck Obama. Now we know that he doesn't believe Global warming is real because he would have never bought a house that close to the ocean being that his propaganda team of socialist loonie tunes said homes along the coast lines would be under water in 10 years. BTW Obama ain't shit just like the other presidents.
0 7ReplyAugust 24, 2019
Sinus Infection aka I did too much coke this past week.
3 1ReplyAugust 30, 2019
Here we go with this bullshit media trying to get ppl to hate HNHH y'all need to stop.
5 2ReplyAugust 31, 2019
Let's go Patriots.
6 2ReplySeptember 07, 2019
So now killing babies is being funded by fan bases that are too dumb to see this bitch is evil
1 2ReplySeptember 14, 2019
Fuck Popovich
0 0ReplySeptember 14, 2019
The only reason TI and celebrities hate Trump now is because he is a Republican and that he beat Hilary. Dumb ass clowns loved Trump before he ran as a Republican. Funny thing is Dummycrats are the ones who don't care about nothing but votes from so called minorities and they are the ones who opposed Civil rights and promote modern day slavery.
4 6ReplySeptember 15, 2019
People like TI set our people back a 100 years with his bullshit comments. He is clearly brainwashed and uneducated
7 4ReplySeptember 15, 2019
I don't care about 6ix9ine snitching on some fake ass friends who kidnapped and planned to kill him. Snitch on all them scumbags and when they get out he should put a price on their heads.
2 0ReplySeptember 18, 2019
All the ignorant responses come from people who don't know shit and have no knowledge or have never done research. Carlo Santana said this way back in the 60's. For real knowledgeable people they know Joe ain't lying.
3 2ReplySeptember 19, 2019
TI thinks POC should just vote for the party of slavery and handouts that the people eventually pays for anyway. The government gets its money from tax paying citizens. So ain't nothing free. Another thing although both parties have flaws I would rather vote for the one who supports life, morals and encourages people to do things on there own instead of waiting on a check once a month.
1 1ReplySeptember 20, 2019
In other news Popeye's Chicken is about unveil the plantation combo which consist of one breast, wing, side of chitterlings, a slice of watermelon and to quench your thirst a 44oz cup of grape Kool aid.
4 1ReplySeptember 21, 2019
T.I. has a CI# so he definitely knows it can happen.
0 0ReplySeptember 28, 2019
Lil Cuchi squirt does it again
1 1ReplyOctober 04, 2019
Look at all the uneducated negroes on here getting mad at the truth and trying to spin things. My black people are loss due to lack of knowledge. They believe anything the liberal teachers and media tell them. You niccas gone have your children back in chains in no time. And if anyone of you ignorant coons want to test these waters with a reply you better be ready for an awakening. Now come on lil porch monkeys. BTW I'm black trolls
12 17ReplyOctober 06, 2019
This movie was very dark and a bit weird. I'd give it a 5 out of 10.
0 4ReplyOctober 06, 2019
I would have told on them niggas too. After all they kidnapped himand were planning to kill him. Not only would I have told I would put a hit on every last one of them asap. Either you gone get it in jail or your first day out. All you keyboard street gangstas are full of shit talking bout you wouldn't say nothing. Fuck Snoop, T.I. both have given full cooperation to cases and even testified. I hope this 6ix9ine guy wins
2 0ReplyOctober 10, 2019
Officer Ricky gone be in court with a dozen glazed donuts early and when fifty lawyers show up the case will be dismissed.
2 0ReplyOctober 10, 2019
Meek Mills boss is an officer of the law. So he works for the police.
18 10ReplyOctober 11, 2019
That nicca ain't the king of R&B if he is in a Radisson Red room lol. He probably getting took for all his bread by Baby and Orlando Grind
0 0ReplyOctober 11, 2019
He is just mad that none of his movies made money like MCU. BTW Italians don't like the way he depicts them in his movies either.
0 0ReplyOctober 14, 2019
Just retire and let it go. It's over
1 4ReplyOctober 16, 2019
Weirdo celebrity couples. Sounds like they were thinking of the guitar player Slash
1 0ReplyOctober 16, 2019
Shiiiiddd PAC all day
5 2ReplyOctober 16, 2019
Classic case of weird science
1 0ReplyOctober 16, 2019
How many times is HNHH going to post this ?
1 0ReplyOctober 22, 2019
I noticed that the article says she needs more child support for her and Kalea. It's called child support not baby mama support.
4 0ReplyOctober 23, 2019
He absolutely has sugar in his Tank.
7 0ReplyOctober 24, 2019
Sugar Diddy would me more appropriate
33 0ReplyOctober 24, 2019
Dwight is gay as hell just like Tank.
5 1ReplyOctober 28, 2019
Fuck Bernie Sanders and his race baiting tactics. I'm tired of these crackers acting like they care so much about us. He is going to be the one with the legislation that put niggas back in chains.
0 0ReplyOctober 29, 2019
Bobby sure didn't say no.
7 0ReplyOctober 29, 2019
Indoctrination is a bad mother shut yo mouth. Got all you ignorant dummies believing that these supremacist love you.
0 7ReplyNovember 02, 2019
This is some str8 bullsh**t. It's an insult and it does nothing but further indoctrination of white supremacy.
5 2ReplyNovember 02, 2019
He is selling his free this and that stuff which is catered to ignorant people who don't know the government can't give you anything for free when the tax paying citizens fund the government.
0 0ReplyNovember 03, 2019
When he wins in 2020 I hope all the celebrities that said they were going to move out the country leave and the protestors move to Venezuela where they can live in their socialist Utopia.
7 6ReplyNovember 03, 2019
When they finally get the ignorant citizen slaves to give up their gun rights I bet they won't be protesting no more because then they are going to start getting executed on site.
0 1ReplyNovember 03, 2019
That nigga was being sarcastic
6 0ReplyNovember 11, 2019
The writer of this article needs to proof read before they put it online.
0 0ReplyNovember 29, 2019
Check out five dollar Indians on YouTube by Dane Calloway to see the real indigenous people of this land.
0 0ReplyNovember 29, 2019
He didn't say anything racist. It's ashame that the media and even hnhh are pushing the narrative that if your white and support Trump your a racist and if your black who supports him, then your a sellout, coon etc.
4 1ReplyNovember 29, 2019
Whatever. In other news Tanks has deepthroated a pipe twice, but insist he isn't homo.
0 1ReplyNovember 29, 2019
Here we go with this false global warming/ climate change fa la la. This isn't the first time it snowed in LA. On January 15, 1932 2 inches of snow fell in LA. The writer is clearly a believer in the Al Gore get rich quick scheme and don't know that climate changes.
0 1ReplyNovember 29, 2019
More like illegal aliens.
2 1ReplyDecember 01, 2019
T.I. aka Top Informant is a certified rat from way back.
1 1ReplyDecember 03, 2019
This dude sold his soul live on Instagram
6 1ReplyDecember 09, 2019
G Herbo is the same nicca that supported the selling your sould video Juice world made. G Herbo is a clown
4 3ReplyDecember 10, 2019
What's strange is that the writer of this article think that no one knows they are a biased liberal Dummycrat
0 0ReplyDecember 10, 2019
She has been for the streets for decades
0 0ReplyOctober 29, 2020
I would not have did a zoom call with the other ppl either. The others ones are nothing but pawns in the leftist game. If you guys think that Snoop has your best interest at heart your clearly a special kind of stupid.
5 2ReplyOctober 29, 2020
This is what the Dummycrats do when you tell the truth. They make up lies to cover up the fact that they are not going to do a damn thing for no one but themselves.
0 0ReplyOctober 29, 2020
Biden went and got a meat suit wearing demon to help his campaign.
2 2ReplyNovember 02, 2020
Yeah but he supports Jim Crowe Joe Biden and the KKK eulogy speaker.
0 2ReplyNovember 02, 2020
Too much pork for one fork
1 1ReplyNovember 03, 2020
It is very clear that hnhh is a bias site. I say this because they never have anything negative to say about no political party but Republicans. This whole election is nothing more than a circus act and this site is using it's platform to try and persuade ppl to be left wing socialist. Damn shame that the this country is going down the toilet with a ton of shit and no toilet paper.
7 5ReplyNovember 04, 2020
Presidents are selected not elected. All the ppl that think they have a say so by voting are ignorant. It's a dog and pony show. Having ppl vote only gives them the illusion that they have a say so or should I say make them feel they are apart of the process. Presidents do not run nothing because at the end of the day the international banking families run everything. Wake up
8 11ReplyNovember 04, 2020
She is absolutely correct
8 1ReplyNovember 05, 2020
Check ou the new documentary GaYme. This is a tell all about his homosexual lifestyle
0 1ReplyNovember 05, 2020
This is all planned. All you have to do is look up Transitional Integrity Project and go under War Games Methodology. It was published in June 2020 and everything it says is happening right now.
0 1ReplyNovember 06, 2020
Boy this website is clearly bias and won't show how they used the hammer and scorecard to so called create a glitch to favor the opponent. Well it was caught live on CNN as they were showing the election results in which over 200k votes before were transferred the the opponent within seconds. This happen in over 5 states. Now all you baby killing Dummycrats don't go saying accept the loss because none of you wanted to accept the 2016 results. Sensitive libtards were crying, lying talking about moving to other countries and even contemplated suicide.
0 0ReplyNovember 11, 2020
Dummycrats believe everything but the truth. Don't deny it ! More than half of you left wing nuts are bat shit crazy with a special kind of stupid. Saying stuff like the world is going to end in 12 years if we don't fix the climate change or global warming. Which one is it climate change or global warming ?Covid 19 is a pandemic! No it's a plandemic. Roman Polanski raping a 13 yr old and saying it wasn't rape, The government should control everything, we don't need guns, we believe in God and abortion. Dummycrats are so out of touch there is a book about how dumb you guys are.
0 0ReplyNovember 11, 2020
Get ready for a communist regime led by Beijing Biden. This man is a complete idiot if he thinks that ppl don't know by now that this whole thing is a not a pandemic rather a plandemic to get ppl ready for this NWO phase one. And if you don't know shit about politricks then just stfu.
1 0ReplyNovember 12, 2020
He put men in women's restrooms, gave the lgbtq community an opportunity to ride on the backs of Civil Rights, supported bills that would allow babies to be aborted up to 9 months and killed out they survived, put immigrant children in cages and separated families. So who give a damn about his marriage to a transgender
1 3ReplyNovember 13, 2020
Flowers !! They are going to die anyways. So why spend money on it. It's the same as throwing money in the garbage.
10 1ReplyNovember 13, 2020
This still is not going to stop the tyrants from trying to force a vaccine on the ppl. Black ppl will be the 1st test dummies and will line up willingly to get massa's medication. Just like they lined up to vote for killing babies up to and after birth.
0 1ReplyNovember 17, 2020
Ain't nobody did this shit but a bunch of niccas period. Our ppl are known to be destructive, hateful and jealous of their own ppl. Lined up to vote for a man in droves but won't line up nation wide to support black owned businesses. Come to your store expecting a deal and get pissed when you can't or won't do it. Then run down the street and pay full price or more at an Asian, Hindu or caucasian business. .
0 0ReplyNovember 17, 2020
He is a damn liar. He ain't take no vaccine. Joe wants all you sheep to get in line for the Luciferace ingredient and HIV strands in the vaccine. Do your research on the ingredients in this demonic medicine
1 1ReplyDecember 21, 2020
Snitching is the best thing to do period. I support all the rats, snitches etc. I advise all rats to get a megaphone and tell everybody they know business.
0 1ReplyDecember 21, 2020
Lil Coochie Squirt
6 2ReplyDecember 21, 2020
She get the illiterate ppl ready to get in line to take thick vaccine with the ingredient Luciferace. Ya'll better wake up
0 0ReplyDecember 29, 2020
He did this because of the dangers of 5g and the reptilian race
0 0ReplyDecember 29, 2020
If Joe Biden had his way all of ya'll would be in chains singing spirituals
0 1ReplyDecember 29, 2020
Fuck Joe Biden
0 0ReplyJanuary 06, 2021
Hnhh pushing the agenda ofthe lgbtq
7 2ReplyJanuary 06, 2021
A whole bunch of you internet trolls are next. This is the start of the communism in the USA
0 0ReplyJanuary 11, 2021
I can't wait until this hypocrite comes up with another outrageous law that will have all you sheep running scared just like she did in the Bay Area.
0 2ReplyJanuary 14, 2021
Well Jim Crowe Joe Biden and Karma Sutra Harris is going to have a bunch of black ppl locked up. That you can guarantee.
4 10ReplyJanuary 20, 2021
Sing and dancing for the KKK master Joe
2 1ReplyJanuary 20, 2021
WTF kind of writing is this ? If you can't translate his accent then how the you think readers are supposed to decipher your horrible writing skills
4 0ReplyJanuary 21, 2021
What a dummy. Special kind of stupid
4 0ReplyJanuary 21, 2021
Now the communist have taken over. No more freedom of speech or press. Next your religious beliefs will be attacked by the evil doers.
0 4ReplyJanuary 21, 2021
Yeah pushing negative energy through bs rap lyrics and a culture of beta males
0 2ReplyJanuary 26, 2021
This beeyatch said she was listening to Tupac while she was in college which was in the 1980's. She is a liar and a is a known hypocrite. Her nick name is Karma Sutra Harris according to the L.A. Times
3 0ReplyJanuary 26, 2021
Remember the video of Diddy licking his lips like a perv when Rick Ross name was mentioned.
3 0ReplyJanuary 26, 2021
Complaining about capitalism when she makes a living off capitalism
0 0ReplyJanuary 27, 2021
Trump 2024 !! All you tap dancing dummycrats are going to get what you deserve out the Biden administration which is not a damn thing
0 0ReplyJanuary 27, 2021
Next Diddy huh ! Sacrificing souls and tootsie roll activities
1 1ReplyJanuary 28, 2021
If any of this surprises you at all your a special kind of stupid because we all know the industry
5 5ReplyJanuary 28, 2021
Southern comfort food lol ! More like a plantation plate
0 0ReplyJanuary 28, 2021
0 0ReplyJanuary 28, 2021
These are the same ppl who throw paint on ppl's coats that wear fur and got the nerve to talk about hate.
6 1ReplyJanuary 30, 2021
Oh now he has control over the weather I suppose.
2 10ReplyFebruary 18, 2021
These writers are pathetic with their bias political party affiliation trying to get ppl to think like the dummies they are. Ted Cruz has nothing to do wit hip hop.
2 2ReplyFebruary 19, 2021
Old beeyaatch trying to be relevant by praising a song that is crappy. Maxine should drop a song called DAP Dry A** Pu**y
2 0ReplyFebruary 22, 2021
Dumb beeyatch proud of killing her unborn child.
6 0ReplyFebruary 23, 2021
Who cares who plays a slut
1 0ReplyMarch 03, 2021
I hope he knows that most of those rioter were Antifa and BLM posing as Trump supporters.
2 2ReplyMarch 08, 2021
Jim Crowe Joe aka Bejing Biden gone put you idiots back in chains
0 0ReplyMarch 12, 2021
Why don't the talking Gorilla just breakout of jail ?
2 1ReplyMarch 17, 2021
Beijing Joe aka Jim Crowe Joe is the master to all the idiots who voted for him. Fu***n Dummycrats
4 4ReplyMarch 19, 2021
Stay off Epstein's island beeyaatch
0 1ReplyMarch 20, 2021
You damn trolls will find some bs to say about anything just to hate. People talking about they hate her and don't even know this young lady.
0 5ReplyMarch 22, 2021
Ole Jim Crowe Joe aka Beijing Biden can't even think straight
0 0ReplyMarch 22, 2021
Now all the sjw will be pissed off.
0 0ReplyMarch 22, 2021
You have to be a special kind of stupid to support anything these celebrities, athletes and crooked ass politicians have to say. Even the kids in Mississippi checked Michael LaVaughn aka Michelle on her bs years ago.
8 3ReplyMarch 23, 2021
She took the oath and did the rituals
2 2ReplyMarch 24, 2021
I'm sure they are lying and 69 is telling the truth just like how he testified against trey way.
1 5ReplyMarch 24, 2021
HE won't get a dime. This pre-vert was going to his car to get a knife after he tried raping a lady.
0 2ReplyMarch 26, 2021
All the people that support this bullshit and claim that the music industry isn't demonic your a special kind of stupid.
4 0ReplyMarch 26, 2021
The ppl taking these vaccine's are test dummies aka lab rats.
1 0ReplyMarch 30, 2021
Here they go playing on the weak minded emotional beings with the race card bs
0 0ReplyMarch 30, 2021
Anything immoral or degrading Cardi B is for it just like most of the ppl on this planet
3 3ReplyMarch 31, 2021
Skanks teaching skanks
20 0ReplyMarch 31, 2021
Covid has a 99% survival rate which is far from a pandemic. It's more like a plandemic. The media got ppl so damn scared that I see ppl in their cars by themselves wearing a mask which is ridiculous.
0 0ReplyApril 08, 2021
The parents are a special kind of stupid
0 0ReplyApril 08, 2021
Meanwhile Tank says if a man sucks pipe he isn't considered g ay
0 0ReplyApril 08, 2021
Weirdo ass nicca !! Look at the damn coat. He looks like Tyrone Bigam
0 1ReplyApril 09, 2021
They got Offset wife on display and ain't a damn thing he can do about it. Niggas are tender dick motherfuckers
0 0ReplyApril 09, 2021
Snitching is snitching
3 3ReplyApril 10, 2021
And here we go ! Trump softened up at the end and got played by the very party he was with. Both parties are here to divide the people and it works.
0 0ReplyApril 12, 2021
After the commentary De La Hoya went to put on his thong and thigh highs
0 0ReplyApril 20, 2021
All of BLM is a fraud. They are race hustlers making money off the tragedy of black ppl loosing their lives to other races. They are no where when blacks kill blacks.
14 2ReplyApril 20, 2021
Well when you pull a knife out and try to stab someone in the neck right in front of the police this is what happens. I don't see them saying a thing about this officer saving the persons life that she was trying to take. I don't care about her age, color or anything. She did not use common sense
9 3ReplyApril 21, 2021
This Lord of The Rings looking beyaaatch needs to stfu
0 0ReplyApril 21, 2021
She will be testing plenty dicks
1 0ReplyApril 21, 2021
The media loves emotional ignorant ppl that can't see the truth in things and make up their own narrative of what should or could have happened. To be honest you niccas bring this shit on yourselves by being clearly ignorant and as wild as savage dogs thirsting for blood.
0 0ReplyApril 21, 2021
Hot nicca seems to be a smart nicca
4 0ReplyApril 22, 2021
He just fucked and now she is gearing up for the next pipe
0 1ReplyApril 22, 2021
The pedophile speaks
2 1ReplyApril 22, 2021
Let him kill his self.
0 2ReplyApril 22, 2021
The son of a notorious child molester
0 0ReplyApril 22, 2021
Fuck Obama
0 1ReplyApril 22, 2021
Protesting because they got to show identification is stupid.
0 1ReplyApril 22, 2021
Throwing one dollar bills
1 0ReplyApril 24, 2021
Went to the doctor and asked him when will covid 19 be over and he said "I don't know I'm not a politician"
2 0ReplyApril 28, 2021
Facts. But the ignorant dope head junkie niccas love these types of songs because they ain't shit
1 2ReplyApril 30, 2021
He is a damn fool for burning off his ankle monitor. Foolgiano
0 0ReplyMay 06, 2021
They should not even be allowed to have kids.
6 0ReplyMay 11, 2021
Fuck everything gang culture represents.
22 3ReplyMay 12, 2021
Officer Ricky will go find the gun and turn it over to the authorities
3 0ReplyMay 12, 2021
Still wont stop him from sucking a dick
0 3ReplyMay 13, 2021
0 0ReplyMay 13, 2021