People reached for their phones this morning to discover that the almighty Drake had been booed off stage at Tyler, The Creator's Camp Flog Gnaw on Sunday night. Drake was the festival's surprise appearance and many attendees were disappointed that it had not been Tyler's former Odd Future affiliate, Frank Ocean. Drake's reaction to the situation has already been shared, but we were waiting on a response from the other major player involved: Tyler.
In typical Tyler fashion, he has weighed in on the viral discussion via all-caps tweets. He expressed disappointment in his fans for treating his guest so poorly and denounced their behavior as "MOB MENTALITY AND CANCEL CULTURE IN REAL LIFE." He selects his favorite artists to appear at the festival and he expected a better reaction for managing to bring out such a widely-admired artist. "I THOUGHT BRINGING ONE OF THE BIGGEST ARTIST ON THE FUCKING PLANET TO A MUSIC FESTIVAL WAS FIRE! BUT FLIPSIDE, A LIL TONE DEAF KNOWING THE SPECIFIC CROWD IT DREW. SOME CREATED A NARRATIVE IN THEIR HEAD AND ACTED OUT LIKE ASSHOLES WHEN IT DIDNT COME TRUE AND I DONT FUCK WITH THAT."

The IGOR artist also shared how stoked he was that Drake agreed to perform "Feel No Ways", even though it isn't one of his biggest singles. He also lamented the fact that Drake got booed off stage before he had the chance to perform another favorite that had been requested, "Hotline Bling". THIS N**** DID FEEL NO WAYS! SONG IS BEAUTIFUL. ALSO, MOSTLY EVERYONE WAS HAVING A GREAT TIME, THOSE SHITS IN THE FRONT AREA WERE THE ONES BEING MAD RUDE, WHICH, I CAN SEE WHY, BUT, NAH, FUCK THAT, YALL REPRESENTED ME AND FLOG TO MY GUEST AND MADE US LOOK SOOO ENTITLED AND TRASH."
He ended his tweet tirade with an absurd anecdote about a girl he saw fuming about Drake's appearance (or Frank's absence). "I WAS IN THE FRONT, AND I HEAR "TYLLLERRRR!" AND I LOOK TO MY LEFT, AND THIS GIRL, RED FACE, PUFFY, WATERFALL OF TEARS LOOKED INTO MY SOUL AND SAID, TREMBLING WITH ANGER "...WHAT ..THE ..FUCK!.........IS THIS SHIT!" N**** I TURNED AWAY SO QUICK SHE WAS PISSED BRO."
Amidst all the stupidity that Tyler seems able to shrug off, he celebrated the fact that Camp Flog Gnaw has gone eight consecutive years without any arrests on site, which is rather rare for a music festival. Congrats Tyler!