Throughout her career as a far-right political commentator, 27-year-old Tomi Lahren has gone after numerous figures within the hip-hop community, dragging them through the mud and even entering feuds against artists as big as The Game. Lahren is not very well-liked among rap fans with the majority of us wishing she would just shut her mouth and speak on what she's actually educated about, which doesn't appear to be much. During a recent podcast appearance on This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von, the television staple spoke with the comedian about a slew of topics before touching on how white people often will "act black," problematically referring to that as a "phase."

Theo Von was speaking about one of his friends who, on prom night, confided in him and said that he believes he looked like Damon Wayans. Of course, the man was caucasian and did not share many qualities with the actor. Tomi Lahren wasn't too surprised about the admission though. She noted that she too had a "phase" where she acted black in high school, even naming a few of her favorite artists and songs.
"Didn't everyone go through that phase, though?" asked Tomi Lahren when the topic of "acting black" came up. "When I was in high school, we all went through that phase. Even in South Dakota. I went through a 50 Cent phase... every song. There's nothing like rolling down the main street in Rapid City, South Dakota in your '01 Malibu listening to 50 Cent, listening to 'Pop, Lock, & Drop It.'"
It's worth noting that Lahren appeared to be pretty uncomfortable during parts of the interview, cringing when Theo Von would pull his regular shtick. Shortly after her "50 Cent phase" comments, Tomi spoke about her countless rap feuds with artists like 21 Savage, maintaining the stance that she was not "dragged." Watch at the 18:00 mark below.