As T.I. and Tiny continue to face sex abuse allegations, with famed attorney Lisa Bloom recruiting yet another victim to represent just a few days ago, we're willing to bet the controversial couple didn't have the best Valentine's Day yesterday. Or did they?
Judging off Tiny's latest post in her IG Stories, it seems the infamous duo are pushing through the drama while promoting a new app to talk to them on. Yeah, ok.

"Happy Valentines to the all the lovers! [sic]," Tiny wrote to begin her love note to all 6.6. million of her still-loyal followers. She continued by adding, "Many Blessings to y'all.. I've been missing my ppl on her but we have to protect our energy from bullshit." The message then went down the path of shameless promotion, with the Xscape member writing, "However if u wanna come chat with me u can find me/us on this new app. #Riff it's what's happ'n download it so we can kick," followed by a poop emoji which we're assuming meant she wants people to come kick the shit with her and her equally defamed husband. Not the best move, T.
At a time when you and your husband are being accusing of the unthinkable, including drugging underage girls and assaulting them sexually for hours on end with inanimate objects, it might not be a good thing to be trying to promote an app even if it is free. Honestly, if it's not complete silence until y'all are rightfully vindicated, or a full disclosure of what really happened to clear your names, it might be best to just take your app and chill out. If not, may karma do its justice.
Let us know what you all think down below in the comments: do Tiny & T.I. deserve to be happy on their lil app, or should they and all their business ventures continue to be boycotted? Sound off!