Cancel Culture
Pop Culture Burgess's friend and co-star has been under fire recently for her involvement in a pageant with a racist history back in the 90s.
Joe Abrams 1359 Views
News The singer admitted that some people do need to be held accountable for their actions, but completely writing people off is a no-go.
Erika Marie 2.7K Views
Politics "That's not activism."
Chantilly Post 3.4K Views
Pop Culture "Saying terrible things is bad, so if you've said something terrible, then it's something you should confront," Rogen stated.
Erika Marie 3.6K Views
Entertainment Noah found himself in Cancel Culture crosshairs after old tweets of his resurfaced.
Erika Marie 20.8K Views
Pop Culture Ice Cube is frustrated about how things haven't changed at all.
Jake Lyda 796 Views
Tech Grimes has given her two cents on all the latest online discourse.
Ben Mock 1102 Views
Pop Culture After an 8 month break following allegations of sexual misconduct, the comedian shares a 10-minute video where he admitted he has a "problem."
Erika Marie 6.5K Views
Beef Dave Chappelle's new Netflix special is controversial, to say the least.
Aron A. 8.0K Views
Antics Bow Wow explains why he's able to separate the art from the artist when it comes to people like R. Kelly and Tekashi 6ix9ine.
Aron A. 14.3K Views
Pop Culture Chrissy Teigen opened up about her depression after being canceled for a bullying scandal this year.
Alex Zidel 4.2K Views
Pop Culture Ansel Elgort became a trending topic today after a woman came forward with a story that she was allegedly sexually assaulted by the actor back in 2014.
Erika Marie 4.6K Views