Random The former Pentagon employee says the government tends to lie by omission.
Alexander Cole 7.2K Views
Random Chris Brown seemingly wants to connect with aliens, says they will "help us break free from this mental cage".
Alex Zidel 8.3K Views
Tech Elon expressed very little interest in the topic of alien life during a new interview with Joe Rogan.
hnhh 10.9K Views
Pop Culture He claims aliens are watching the Earth and saying, "You guys are so dumb!"
Erika Marie 3.7K Views
Random A Harvard professor believes we were visited by aliens in 2017.
Cole Blake 25.4K Views
Politics The COVID-19 relief bill included a provision that will require the Pentagon to release information regarding UFOs.
Cole Blake 4.5K Views
Random According to an ex-Israeli space official, aliens most definitely do exist and they have ways of communicating with humans on Earth.
Ellie Spina 7.7K Views
News These are songs the rapper would play for extraterrestrials "to get them to understand music and humanity."
Erika Marie 3.9K Views
Random The NASA spacecraft known as Dawn discovered a saltwater ocean below the dwarf planet Ceres that leads scientist to believe that alien life may have or even still exists beneath the surface.
Keenan Higgins 12.9K Views
Pop Culture Egypt educated Elon Musk after he claims alien built the pyramids.
Cole Blake 7.0K Views
Pop Culture Post Malone gets into it with Joe Rogan during their 4-hour-long podcast.
Alex Zidel 3.4K Views
Politics The Pentagon has declassified three previously leaked videos of UFOS for the record.
Aron A. 5.0K Views