Pop Smoke Death
Gram Safaree celebrates successfully nailing his first diaper run as a dad by dancing to the late Pop Smoke's "Meet The Woo 2" mixtape cut "Foreigner."
Keenan Higgins 3.6K Views
Music Pop Smoke spoke about the "blessing" of all his incoming success on BBC Asian Network.
Noah C 3.0K Views
Music The teen who allegedly killed Pop Smoke in early 2020 was denied bail.
Taylor McCloud 2.9K Views
Music Following the murder of rising Brooklyn rapper Pop Smoke, Republic Records has offered their condolences.
Mitch Findlay 2.8K Views
Music Deceased hip-hop stars Juice WRLD and Pop Smoke prove their legacies will live on forever after they occupied the #1 and #2 spots on Apple Music with their posthumous albums "Legends Never Die" and "Shoot for the Stars, Aim for the Moon," respectively.
Keenan Higgins 2.6K Views
Music Steven Victor, the man who signed Pop Smoke, along with the late rapper's family announced their plans to release new posthumous music.
Lynn S. 2.3K Views
Pop Culture His parents also cited a list of things the late rapper will never be able to do due to gun violence.
Madusa S. 2.2K Views
Music Waka Flocka offered some further insight on the recent discourse surrounding the supposed dangers of the rap game in the wake of Pop Smoke's murder.
Lynn S. 2.1K Views
Crime As LAPD resources are being prioritized for the pandemic, many cases, including Pop Smoke's murder, are being pushed back.
Aron A. 2.0K Views
Numbers Pop Smoke's streaming numbers jumped from 5 million to 24.7 million on the day of his death, after he was tragically murdered in a fatal shooting in West Hollywood.
Lynn S. 2.0K Views
Music Pop Smoke's memory was honoured during a celebration of life in his Brooklyn neighbourhood of Canarsie on Thursday.
Lynn S. 2.0K Views
Crime Prosecutors told the judge that they would not be pursuing the death penalty against Pop Smoke's accused killer.
Aron A. 1.8K Views