Earlier this week RZA confirmed that actor Russell Crowe spat on Azealia Banks at a Hollywood party, surrounding the release of the film Love Beats Rhymes. The movie stars Azealia as an upcoming lyrical flow artist who finds her true potential in an under-ground poetry slam group.
After RZA clearly dodged the question in a radio interview, taking the high road in only speaking highly of the actress/singer, Azealia still took to Instagram to clap back at RZA "to stop talking about" her in the media. She ended a full Instagram rant telling the Wu-Tang founder "he can go back to sucking Russell Crowe's d**k for invites to Hollywood parties."
Amid all the controversy, RZA's team has now issued an official statement defending their client.
"The derogatory posts against my client RZA by Azealia Banks is unwarranted and beyond that — unbecoming," their statement reads, via XXL. "RZA, from the moment he met Ms. Banks, bet on her to win. So much so that when others felt she would be too much trouble to work with on the film Love Beats Rhyme, he disregarded what had been said and looked beyond her well-documented controversies moving forward with securing her as his lead."
The statement further notes that when Azealia was introduced to Russell, she immediately went on a "mission to disparage him and RZA" adding that she dropped the race card a number of times. RZA has chosen not to disclose much more information on the altercation between Russell and Azealia as a way to protect her.
"I represent RZA and found it necessary to state he would never have done what he has in support of Ms. Banks to put her in a position to be harmed, ridiculed, demeaned, or treated in an inhumane way. And still, he continues to support her," the statement reads. "Regardless of any rumored conditions she may have, I feel there is no excuse for this type of behavior, therefore I feel obligated to let the record show that RZA has tried his best to support Ms. Banks,"