RiFF RAFF, aka Jody Highroller, aka the man who spent $20k on Glenn Close posters is back, and he has a proposition. While a prolific artist to be sure, none of us expected a vault of this magnitude. As it happens, Jody is a generous soul. He recently took to Twitter to announce his search for collaborators. There are a few guidelines, and rest assured, they are loose. Peep his proposal below:
"i HAVE 85 NEW SONGS AND i WANT TO GET A FEATURE ON EACH SONG TAG YOUR FAVORiTE ARTiST BELOW NEW OR OLD, FAMOUS OR NOT SEND MUSiC / ViDEO LiNKS BELOW TOO," writes RiFF RAFF, with all-CAPS exuberance. Already, his comment section is blowing up with would be claimants. Should you be interested in shooting your proverbial shot, the offer remains open. Eighty-five tracks is a lot of features. Granted, some more established artists will no doubt seize the opportunity to collaborate with one of hip-hop's cult heroes.
Should you feel deserving of a spot alongside Jody Highroller, slide into the comment section now. While this endeavor will no doubt be a work-in-process, it's all but confirmation that RiFF RaFF will be delivering an abundance of material upon us.