After he allegedly opted not to pay the $22,500 rent on his Hollywood mansion, Rich the Kid now must cough up almost 15 times that much in a lawsuit filed by his landlord. Last Friday (May 22nd), an L.A. judge officially issued a default judgement against Rich for his failure to respond to landlord Haikuhe Chichyan’s case against him, which was filed last year. The judge has ordered Rich to pay the $323,214 that Haikuhe, who serves as a the chairman of the trust that owns the mansion, is demanding. Initially, Rich had allegedly skipped out on a $22,500 a month rent on his home in the Hollywood Hills, plus $7,376 in utilities. Once the rent was delayed, Haikuhe added a $2,500 late fee, totalling $32,376 in owed back rent. However, after Haikuhe's lawyers included additional charges for "special damages," the amount owed rose to the whopping total of $323,214.

Last year, Haikuhe had accused Rich of bailing on the rent for his luxury home in the Hollywood Hills back in December 2018, despite signing a half year-long lease. The 5,600 square estate includes five bedrooms, six baths, a saltwater pool, sauna, 20 foot high ceilings and a spa, and views of downtown and the Hollywood sign. According to Haikuhe's lawyers, Rich and his crew trashed the pad by letting his dogs defecate on the home’s hardwood floors and urinate on the duvets,damaging the saltwater pool system by heating it to almost 100 degrees, breaking the entertainment system, and smoking weed indoors despite agreeing to a no smoking policy.