Reports have been circulating about B2K singer Raz-B, who was allegedly on life support following an attack that took place in China while the singer was out there to perform. Last we heard on Sunday night was that Raz-B was out of his coma and in stable condition. Now the singer's manager claims the whole coma and life-support stories were a hoax.
CNN reports that the singer was hurt in a nightclub brawl in China, however the injuries he sustained were not serious. "The comments about Raz being in a coma did not come from his official representative," his manager, Elayne Rivers said. Raz-B's brother, Ricky Romance, explained how he was fed false information, which he believed to be reliable, about his brother and he panicked.
"I was unfortunately unable to contact my brother at the time and then panicked," Romance told CNN. "I then alerted as many people of this information hoping to gather facts... Since the source that gave me this information was what I thought to be legitimately reliable I didn't question I just believed. I apologize if I seem like I jumped to conclusions but a coma is a serious situation and it was concerning my brother whom is my best friend as well. I sincerely apologize for the confusion I caused if that is the case."
It appears the original story about Raz-B's coma was sourced by Tory Jones, who also contacted CNN about the coma just hours later, saying the singer had made a miraculous recovery. Jones claims she was hired by Raz' family to get the story of his coma out to the media. She says concerning the alleged coma, "as far as I know it is true," although Raz-B's manager has now distanced the singer from these reports.
The story of Raz' coma has been reported across the web and in countless news outlets, giving Raz-B quite a bit of publicity, definitely more than he's received in awhile. Do you think it was a publicity stunt?