Sadness has hit the world of hip hop, as Last Kings affiliate rapper Freddy E. has taken his own life, and even took to Twitter to send his love and good-bye’s before shooting himself.
A truly despondent Freddy E. Went on the social networking site and said “I’m sorry”, and then sent some tweets which in retrospect are sad and morbid seeing as the 22 year old rapper did indeed take his own life.
Freddy's family has also issued a statement following his death:
“Today, our son, Frederick Eugene Buhl (@freddy_e), age 22 years old, took his own life with a rifle shot to the head. Our family is saddened beyond words; our loss is great; this tragedy is enormous and unforeseen. Not only our family, but the world has lost a talented, sensitive, brilliant young man who lit up our existence with his. We love him a great deal, and he will be sorely missed. We pray that God will now watch over him, and we ask all of you to include Frederick and our entire family in your thoughts and prayers. Tomorrow, Sunday, January 5th, 2013, we will be attending Fred’s Church, First AME, at 12:00 PM in Seattle, WA. You are invited to join us or send your prayers. Fred would appreciate that a great deal.”
HNHH sends our sympathies and condolences to Freddy's family and loved ones.
[Via HHDX]